Providing the Catholics of Illinois a voice in public policy
Who We AreA Better Way Forward for Illinois
Illinois legislators introduced a bill that would allow physicians to prescribe life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients. The Catholic Church opposes this legislation because it’s at odds with physicians’ responsibility to care for patients and can open the door to more suicide.
Catholics in Illinois
The Latest News & Updates
Action Alert: Please Oppose House Bill 2827
House Bill 2827 would require every non-public school in Illinois to provide the name, date of birth and address of each child attending its school along with name and address of at least one parent to both the State and regional offices of education and/or Chicago...
Oppose Assisted Suicide Legislation
We now know that both Senate Bill 9 and House Bill 1328 will be heard in their respective Executive Committees on Wednesday, March 5th, in Springfield. We are asking you to file witness slips in opposition to both of these pieces of identical legislation....
Families are at risk: Help keep hope alive!
At the federal level, stop work orders have been issued on almost all U.S. foreign assistance programs while the Administration undertakes a review process of these programs. This freeze on the programs is impacting the human life and dignity of millions of...
Catholic Elements of Immigration Reform
As ongoing discussions continue to take place on how to address immigration in our nation, the Catholic Church in the US has been consistent over the years in calling for comprehensive reform of our immigration system. The elements of reform we promote are rooted in...
Submit Your Witness Slip to Oppose Senate Bill 9
Senate Bill 9 aims to legalize assisted suicide in Illinois. This legislation is being heard tomorrow, February 21st by the Senate Executive Committee in Chicago. This legislation threatens the dignity of every human person, puts vulnerable populations at risk, and...
Federal Scholarship Tax Credit Program – Educational Choice Act for Children (ECCA)
In collaboration with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catholic Conference of Illinois supports both Senate Bill 292 and H.R. 833, which were recently filed in Congress. These two bills each create the federal Educational Choice for Children Act,...
Statement on Advisory Referendum addressing Assisted Reproductive Technology
What does an Advisory Referendum mean?An advisory referendum on a ballot does not change the law. It merely polls the opinion of Illinois voters on a subject. What does the Advisory Referendum on Assisted Reproductive Treatments say?"Should all medically appropriate...
Illinois Bishops Offer Election Guidance
On November 5th, 2024, all Americans eligible to vote will have the opportunity to shape our form of government for the next 2 years and beyond. In the midst of the commotion surrounding elections, especially presidential races, it is worth time to reflect on how...
U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decision Involving EMTALA
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision involving the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). CCI joins with USCCB in affirming emergency medical care for women and their preborn children. The full statement can be found HERE.
Illinois Bishops Provide Comments to COGFA on Proposed Prison Closures
In comments from the Catholic Conference of Illinois (CCI), the Catholic bishops of Illinois reminded lawmakers who are part of the decision on proposed changes to Stateville Correctional Center in Joliet and Logan Correctional Center in Lincoln to ensure correctional...
The Best Possible Education for Our Kids
We work to make their dreams come true.
Protecting Every Life
We support legislative efforts to protect every stage of life.
Marriage and Family Life
We advance policies that promote marriage and strengthen the family.
Catholic Priorities in State Government
We represent the Catholic Church at the Illinois Capitol.
Social Services
We feed the hungry, care for the sick, and help the needy.
Social Justice
We advocate for policies that respect the dignity of immigrants, workers, senior citizens, and low-income individuals and families.
Ad Hoc Committee
Prison and Jail Ministry
CCI coordinates a statewide effort of prison and jail ministry offered through the dioceses. Lay Catholics receive training to offer hope to inmates through the salvation of the Gospel.