Nate Kellum, chief counsel for the Memphis-based Center for Religious Expression, joins Bob to talk about the amicus brief filed on behalf of 479 creative professionals in support of the Colorado cake baker at the center of a U.S. Supreme Court case that was argued a couple of weeks ago, Masterpiece Cake v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Next, Ramona Trevino, keynote speaker for the March for Life Chicago set for Jan. 14, talks about her experience as the manager of a Planned Parenthood abortion-referral facility in Sherman, Texas for three years. In 2011, she resigned her position, citing inspiration from a local Christian radio station and a 40 Days for Life campaign, as well as God’s grace. Her resignation resulted in the closure of the clinic. Finally, Luke Niforatos, special assistant for policy at Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM), talks about the organization founded by former Rhode Island Congressman Patrick Kennedy and conservative journalist David Frum and the work the organization does in highlighting the negative effects of marijuana. Luke offers a unique perspective, since he lived in Colorado before, during and after that state’s recent legalization of marijuana.