Les Bernal, national director of Stop Predatory Gambling, joins Bob to talk about the deleterious personal and societal effects expected from the massive gaming expansion passed by the legislature this spring – up to six new casinos, including one in Chicago, slot machines at race tracks, legalized sports betting, and a possible “racino” (horse racing track/casino) in the south suburbs. Then, Dr. Paul Berkowitz, chief medical officer/vice president and chair of the psychiatry department at Sinai Medical Group, along with Dennis Ryan, vice president of mission and external affairs at Holy Cross Hospital, talk about Holy Cross’s recent grand opening of its 24-hour Crisis Stabilization Unit. The new unit offers immediate behavioral care, especially for those individuals who are often arrested for petty offenses and placed in jail, when what they really need is psychiatric care and treatment. Finally, Sr. Donna Markham, OP, president and CEO of Catholic Charities USA, joins Bob to talk about the agency’s humanitarian aid to sites near the border dealing with a larger-than-usual influx of migrants. Sr. Donna herself will be visiting the Laredo, Texas, Catholic Charities on July 22. All contributions for this effort go to meet basic needs and ensure that children are being treated with care and kindness. To donate, go to www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/border-crisis/.