Greg Schleppenbach, associate director of USCCB’s Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, discusses the moral guidance on COVID-19 vaccines recently released by USCCB. Then, Kevin Grillot, executive director of weDignify who is also heading up next month’s March for Life Chicago, talks about taking the March on a Midwest tour that culminates in Chicago on Jan. 23. Next, Louis Jones, a resident of the Diocese of Belleville who was recently named the 2020 winner of USCCB’s Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership Award, discusses his work on behalf of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Finally, Glenn Van Cura, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Joliet, talks about his 10 years at the social service agency before he leaves on Feb. 1 for a teaching position at the Catholic Kwandong University in the Republic of Korea.