CCI Radio Hour: Jan. 18, 2021

CCI Radio Hour: Jan. 18, 2021

Jennifer Daniels of USCCB talks about aid for Catholic schools in the recent stimulus package. Then, Justin Lombardo of the Archdiocese of Chicago discusses the documented success of Archdiocesan schools with in-person learning during the pandemic as outlined in a study published in an academic journal. Finally, Abe Scarr of Illinois PIRG discusses passage of the Predatory Loan Prevention Act during the recent lame-duck session.
Black Caucus notches victories during Illinois lame-duck session; Welch wins speaker role from Madigan

Black Caucus notches victories during Illinois lame-duck session; Welch wins speaker role from Madigan

Illinois lawmakers returned to Springfield for a lame-duck session driven by a Black Caucus agenda focusing on social and economic justice efforts intended to root out systemic racism following a summer of nationwide unrest after the unjust deaths of Black individuals at the hands of police. The specter of Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan’s losing quest to win another term as speaker only added to the drama of the intense, five-and-a-half-day session, culminating in Rep. Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Westchester, winning the top House post as the first Black individual to assume the powerful role.
Illinois bishops join U.S. bishops’ statement on COVID-19 vaccines

Illinois bishops join U.S. bishops’ statement on COVID-19 vaccines

Illinois bishops today joined the U.S. bishops' statement on COVID-19 vaccines that have been in recent news. The guidance issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – "Moral Considerations Regarding the New COVID-19 Vaccines" – offers a detailed analysis of the origin of current vaccines and concludes that the Modern and Pfizer vaccines are morally acceptable. We urge all Catholics to read the document.