Jan 10, 2023
The Catholic Conference of Illinois would like to commend the Illinois General Assembly and Governor J.B. Pritzker on banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines with the passage of House Bill 5471. Too many times our state has witnessed the horror of mass...
Jan 4, 2023
Our Catholic faith tradition has witnessed abusive banking practices since the usury that is condemned in the Bible up to the predatory lending of today. To counter this, our parishes, Catholic Charities, and other Catholic organizations over the years have provided...
Dec 20, 2022
The Catholic Conference of Illinois Radio Hour December edition is now uploaded and available for listening. This month’s show features a trio of guests on a wide array of topics with host Bob Gilligan. The show’s initial guest is Maria Jose Fernandez Flores, the...
Dec 8, 2022
Illinois is no stranger to the growing national crisis of mass shootings. Just in the past few years, mass shootings in Highland Park, Aurora, Chicago, and Northern Illinois University inflicted death, terrible pain and a significant deterioration of our citizens’...
Nov 21, 2022
The Catholic Conference of Illinois Radio Hour November edition is now uploaded and available for listening. This month’s show features a trio of guests on a wide array of topics with host Bob Gilligan. The show’s initial guest is Emily Schumacher-Novak, the Assistant...
Oct 20, 2022
The Catholic Conference of Illinois Radio Hour October edition is now available. This month’s show features a pair of guests. The show opens with Chris Vallace and Father Wayne Watts talking about the Tax Credit Scholarship. Chris and his wife are leading the campaign...
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