Mar 13, 2020
Cardinal Cupich of the Archdiocese of Chicago has recorded an inspiring video message on unity in these trying times, reminding us, “This is a time to be gentle with one another, and accompany each other emotionally. … And this is a moment to deepen our own spiritual lives as members of the body of Christ by making a commitment, as I do today for you, that we will pray for each other."
Mar 13, 2020
Bishop Malloy has recorded an encouraging video, noting that, “This is a moment that’s different than anything we’ve gone through in our lifetime. But we’re reminded by St. Paul, hope never disappoints — and even in the midst of challenges and fears of the unknown.”
Mar 11, 2020
The Catholic Conference's Life Advocacy Days set for March 18, March 25 and April 1 at the Illinois Capitol have been cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Officials at the Capitol today notified lobbyists that all events and tours scheduled at the Springfield building are cancelled until further notice to limit the possible transmission of the coronavirus.
Feb 27, 2020
The Catholic Conference of Illinois and the Illinois State Board of Education are joining forces in April to present a free conference on school wellness targeted to both public and nonpublic school officials.
Feb 25, 2020
Expecting a push to repeal the current parental notice of abortion law, the Catholic Conference is partnering with the six Illinois dioceses to offer Life Advocacy Days, allowing pro-life pilgrims to lobby lawmakers at the Illinois Capitol on the benefits of the current law.
Feb 17, 2020
Executive Director Bob Gilligan speaks with Bishop Malloy of Rockford; discusses the possible impact of a U.S. Supreme Court case on tax credit scholarships; and gets an update on Illinois' tax credit scholarship program.
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