Oct 17, 2016
Oct. 17, 2016 show Dr. Jonathan Reyes, executive director of the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, joins Bob to talk about Faithful Citizenship in light of this very challenging presidential election. Scott...
Oct 9, 2016
The Catholic Conference of Illinois today congratulates Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago, who serves as the chairman of our board, on his elevation to cardinal by Pope Francis. We are grateful for and look forward to his continued leadership. #### The Catholic...
Sep 17, 2016
The Catholic Conference of Illinois on May 25 released a statement on Senate Bill 1564, which just passed the Illinois House after previously passing the Senate. It now returns to the Senate for concurrence on a minor House amendment. The Senate is expected to...
Sep 15, 2016
Many Chicago-area Catholics were most likely surprised to learn from full-page ads in Monday’s Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times that abortion is OK by the Catholic Church since it is a social justice issue. At least that’s what...
Sep 6, 2016
The beginning of a new school year means catching up on the latest education news and regulations. Check out our September 2016 Education Newsletter for updates on the proposed state Invest in Kids Act, the federal Every Student Succeeds Act, the Grant Accountability...
Aug 15, 2016
Aug. 15, 2016 show CCI Executive Director Robert Gilligan is joined by Illinois Catholic Health Association's Patrick Cacchione to address the controversy over Senate Bill 1564, which the governor recently signed into law. The new law, which modifies...
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