Apr 27, 2016
Auxiliary Bishop Alberto Rojas of the Archdiocese of Chicago today urged rally attendees at a Chicago church to push state lawmakers to extend the deadline of a children's health insurance program. The Covering All Kids Health Insurance Act — commonly known...
Apr 18, 2016
April 18, 2016 show Sr. Rosemary Connelly of Misericordia and Scott Mendel, an attorney and parent of a Misericordia resident, join Bob to talk about state legislation that would create a special state license to oversee the continuum of care for the developmentally...
Apr 12, 2016
Illinois Catholic bishops today sent a letter to Illinois House members to reject House Bill 4013 and its call for public funding of abortions. House Bill 4013 passed the House Human Services Committee on a partisan 8-6 vote in March 2015, but was sent back to the...
Apr 12, 2016
Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan today spoke at a statehouse press conference, urging support for legislation that extends the deadline of a state health insurance program for children set to expire July 1. The Covering All Kids...
Mar 21, 2016
March 21, 2016 show The U.S. Supreme Court this week will hear the Little Sisters of the Poor's case against the federal government regarding the mandate requiring insurance coverage of morally objectionable services. The sisters and others say the...
Mar 8, 2016
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops today joined 24 other faith-based organizations in a frend-of-the-court brief to a case before the U.S. Supreme Court brought by states questioning President Barack Obama's 2014 executive action barring deportation of...
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