Aug 17, 2015
Schools are opening back up after the summer break, and that means school sports will be starting. Read about the new guidelines for student athletes and concussions in our August 2015 Education Newsletter.
Aug 4, 2015
Over the past few weeks, undercover videos have shown Planned Parenthood executives talking over lunch about harvesting body organs from aborted babies for use in medical research. Prices for organs are quoted, suggesting the parts are for sale, which is a federal...
Jul 20, 2015
July 20, 2015 show Host Bob Gilligan is joined by Jason Negri, a lawyer and assistant director of the Patients Rights Council, to talk about the physician-assisted suicide movement in the United States. Then, Dr. Mark Potosnak, an assistant professor in the...
Jun 26, 2015
The U.S. Supreme Court today in a 5-4 vote legalized same-sex marriage across the nation. At issue in Obergefell v. Hodges was whether the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause required states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to...
Jun 18, 2015
Vatican officials today released a beautiful video outlining the underlining principles of Pope Francis' new encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si'.
Jun 18, 2015
Pope Francis today released his long-awaited encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home. The nearly 180-page document offers a frank look at what the pope perceives to be man’s lack of care for creation, and calls for an “integral...
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