Education Newsletter: March 2015

Recent news has focused on the $300 million shortfall in the Child Care Assistance Program, a state-federal program that allows for subsidies to be paid to daycare providers so that low-income parents can work or attend school. Did you know that some of our Catholic...
CCI pushes Quality Schools Tax Credit

CCI pushes Quality Schools Tax Credit

This school choice initiative allows corporations and individuals to receive a dollar-for-dollar state income tax credit for donations to organizations that offer scholarships to low- and middle-income children to attend private schools. The Qaulity Schools Tax Act...

CCI’s Robert Gilligan testifies at violence prevention task force

Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan today testified before an Illinois House panel charged with finding solutions to teen violence, noting innovative methods being used by Catholic schools and parishes.House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago, called for the formation of the task force in January, citing recent findings in a new report on the December 2012 shootings at a Newtown, Conn., elementary school.
CCI Radio Hour: Feb. 23, 2015

CCI Radio Hour: Feb. 23, 2015

Feb. 23, 2015 show Archbishop Blase Cupich joins Bob to talk about his general impressions of the political landscape of Illinois, three months after his installation Mass as the new archbishop of Chicago. Then, Fr. Dan Brandt, chaplain to the Chicago Police...

Education Newsletter: February 2015

The spring legislative session began in mid-January, and it promises to be an exciting time for educational initiatives for both Catholic and public schools. The Catholic Conference of Illinois has teamed with EdChoice Illinois in crafting the Quality Schools Tax...
CCI Radio Hour: Jan. 26, 2015

CCI Radio Hour: Jan. 26, 2015

Jan. 26, 2015 show The football season will cap off with this Sunday's Super Bowl, but you may not be aware that such high profile events can act like a magnet for human trafficking. Sr. Rose Mary Meyer of Project Irene joins Bob to discuss the state's...