Jan 22, 2015
The following is an op-ed by CCI Executive Director Robert Gilligan. It was published today in the Rockford Register Star. Every Jan. 22, millions of people march to call attention to the devastating impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade and...
Jan 7, 2015
The Catholic Conference of Illinois has released its legislative agenda for the 99th General Assembly that will be sworn in on Jan. 14, 2015. CCI issues this list of key priorities every two years at the beginning of a new General Assembly. The agenda also offers a...
Dec 22, 2014
Dec. 22, 2014 show Claire Halbur, a parishioner at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet, joins Bob to talk about her experience on Lifetime channel's "The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns." The reality show followed Claire and four other young women on their...
Dec 18, 2014
Students from across the state in the fall of 2014 completed a 15-month prison ministry leadership program developed by the Catholic Conference of Illinois and Lewis University in Romeoville. Fr. Chris Reuter, O.F.M., of the Belleville diocese celebrated a commissioning Mass for the students at Sancta Alberta Chapel on the Lewis campus in November 2014. The students will now coordinate other prison and jail ministry volunteers in their respective dioceses.
Dec 5, 2014
CCI's education advocacy efforts rely on principals and legislative action people (LAP) getting the word out to parents and Catholic school supporters about education initiatives. Read how this organized effort works to publicize the greatness of our Catholic...
Dec 4, 2014
Seven Catholics from across the state were honored at a commissioning Mass for completing an intensive, 15-month prison ministry leadership program co-sponsored by the Catholic Conference of Illinois and Lewis University. Representing five of the state’s six...
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