Apr 30, 2013
The school year may be winding down but the legislature is finally getting down to business in its final month of session. Funding for the textbook block grant may have a chance, and CCI is ready with legislation in case some monies become available. Rep. Kelly Burke,...
Apr 15, 2013
April 15, 2013 show Bishop Lance Davis of the African-American Clergy Coalition joins Bob to talk about the fight against redefinition of marriage efforts in the form of Senate Bill 10. Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran adds to the discussion by telling how he sees the...
Apr 11, 2013
Cardinal George today called for all to support comprehensive, compassionate immigration reform in a statement that served as the focal point of a press conference announcing a new campaign sponsored by Catholic religious. Priests for Justice for Immigrants and...
Apr 9, 2013
Auxiliary Bishop George Rassas of the Archdiocese of Chicago today issued a statement in his role as a board member of the Catholic Conference of Illinois, saying he was "distressed and disappointed" over Rep. Ed Sullivan's intended change of vote...
Apr 5, 2013
Cardinal George was joined by members of the newly formed African-American Clergy Coalition today for a press conference to state their opposition to redefinition of marriage legislation. Cardinal George spoke in his role as chairman of the Catholic Conference of...
Apr 5, 2013
Cardinal George and members of the African-American Clergy Coalition today held a press conference to express their opposition to redefinition of marriage legislation (Senate Bill 10) currently before the Illinois legislature. This video features the question-and-answer segment of the press conference.
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