Feb 27, 2013
The Chicago Tribune today published an op-ed by the Catholic Conference of Illinois opposing redefinition of marriage legislation currently before the Illinois legislature. Here's a PDF of how the piece played in the paper, and the content can be read below:...
Feb 25, 2013
Feb. 25, 2013 show It's another Marriage Monday, as the Illinois House Executive Committee is expected to take up and approve redefinition of marriage legislation tomorrow. Bob talks first to the Rev. Eugene Rivers of Boston, who rose to national prominence...
Feb 20, 2013
More than 3,500 Illinois residents today traveled to Springfield to lobby their House lawmakers to vote "no" on Senate Bill 10, which changes the state's legal definition of marriage from "between a man and a woman" to "between 2 persons." The legislation previously passed the Senate.
Feb 14, 2013
The Catholic Conference of Illinois today decried Illinois Senate approval of redefinition of marriage legislation, saying lawmakers are blatantly ignoring the institution’s key role in the foundation of society. The Senate passed Senate Bill 10 on a 34-21 vote,...
Feb 8, 2013
A federal judge today dismissed a lawsuit filed against the HHS mandate brought by the dioceses of Springfield and Joliet and their respective Catholic Charities, as well as Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Judge John W. Darrah dismissed the suit on...
Feb 7, 2013
U.S. bishops today responded to changes proposed last week to the federal Health and Human Services mandate, saying the "accommodation" falls short of solving religious freedom concerns but stressed they look forward to working with the federal government on...
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