Jan 7, 2013
The Catholic Conference of Illinois is backing an expansion of Medicaid to adults earning up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. The expansion, embodied in House Bill 106 and Senate Bill 26, is part of the federal health care act passed in 2010. The...
Jan 3, 2013
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of Springfield testifies against redefinition of marriage legislation before the Illinois Senate Executive Committee on Jan. 3, 2013.
Jan 2, 2013
Pastoral leaders representing more than 1,700 faith communities in Illinois – parishes, congregations, churches and Friday prayer locations and Masjids – have signed a letter sent to Illinois lawmakers, urging them to safeguard both marriage and religious...
Jan 1, 2013
Cardinal George of Chicago today sent a letter on redefinition of marriage efforts to every priest in the Archdiocese, asking that the letter be distributed in parish bulletins this weekend. The Cardinal stresses that the "Church welcomes everyone, respects each...
Dec 21, 2012
Dec. 17, 2012 show Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran tells why he personally supports Senate Bill 957, which would extend Temporary Visitor Driver's Licenses to undocumented immigrants. The Illinois Senate has passed the legislation, which is now being considered...
Dec 10, 2012
Two Illinois pharmacists today won their final battle seeking conscience rights in dispensing emergency contraception after the Illinois attorney general notified the state Supreme Court that she would not appeal a lower court ruling. Pharmacy owners Luke Vander...
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