Dec 6, 2012
Catholic priests, sisters and brothers traveled to the state Capitol to lobby lawmakers on SB 957, which extends Temporary Visitor Driver's Licenses to immigrants. The Senate passed SB 957 in December, and the House passed the measure in January. Gov. Pat Quinn has indicated he will sign the bill into law.
Dec 4, 2012
The Illinois Senate today approved expanding Temporary Visitor Driver's Licenses to undocumented immigrants. Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan applauded the Senate's actions, noting that many families are separated when...
Dec 3, 2012
Democrats in both the state House and Senate won enough seats in the Nov. 6 election to hold a supermajority in each chamber, meaning they have enough votes to pass legislation without input from Republicans. The Democrats will also be able to override any...
Nov 19, 2012
CCI today issued its Marriage Toolkit, a resource for clergy, parish staff and the laity. The toolkit is designed to help Catholic individuals and parish communities understand, explain and promote the Catholic Church's answers to the following questions: What is...
Nov 13, 2012
Illinois' Catholic bishops are supporting an existing, temporary driver's license for undocumented immigrants. Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan today spoke in favor of the temporary licenses at a Chicago press...
Nov 13, 2012
Illinois bishops have pledged to support an expansion of Temporary Visitor Driver's Licenses (TVDL) to undocumented immigrants living in the state. TVDLs can only be used for driving, and not for identification. Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan speaks at a press conference in support of TVDLs.
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