CCI releases first immigrant story on faith

Today the Catholic Conference of Illinois released the initial story in a series focusing on the struggles and challenges of undocumented immigrants. This first story highlights the importance of the Catholic faith in the life of "Susan," an undocumented...

Education Newsletter April-May 2012

We're combining April and May into one newsletter since the madcap rush to the scheduled May 31 adjournment date for the legislature has begun. This newsletter contains an action alert for textbook funding in the forms of House Bill 6134 and Senate Bill 3908....
CCI Radio Hour — April 16, 2012

CCI Radio Hour — April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012 show Bob Gilligan talks to Bishop Daniel Jenky as he celebrates 10 years as bishop of Peoria. David Morrison of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform explains political action committees and the power they have in making contributions for...

U.S. bishops call for “Fortnight for Freedom” this summer

U.S. bishops today called for pastors and the laity to vigorously defend religious freedom, setting aside a two-week period this summer to take action. The United State Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a statement on religious freedom, citing recent...

CCI backs Illinois pharmacists in fight for conscience rights

The Catholic Conference of Illinois this week joined a friend-of-the-court brief supporting a six-year-old lawsuit filed against the state by two Illinois pharmacy owners seeking conscience protection against dispensing emergency contraception. Former Gov. Rod...