Ryan Bomberger, co-founder of the Radiance Foundation, joins Bob to talk about the March for Life Chicago in January at which he will serve as the keynote speaker. Ryan’s biological mother was raped but followed through on her pregnancy, giving up Ryan for adoption when he was six weeks old. The Radiance Foundation seeks to affirm that every life has purpose and is known for its various billboard campaigns celebrating adoption, unplanned pregnancies and fatherhood. Next, Mike Stark, a producer of the recently released film, “A Glorious Life: Cardinal Francis George,” joins Bob to talk about gathering the various Catholic luminaries who pay homage to the late Cardinal George in the film. Finally, Chicago Catholic Editor Joyce Duriga talks about her new book, Augustus Tolton: The Church is the True Liberator. The book outlines the life of Fr. Augustus Tolton, the first identified black American to be ordained to the priesthood in the United States. In 2011, Cardinal George opened Fr. Tolton’s cause for sainthood, which is ongoing.