Cardinal Blase Cupich joins Bob for the first half-hour of the show to talk about the need to defeat Illinois House Bill 40, which allows your taxpayer money to pay for elective abortions for women in the Medicaid program and the state's employee health insurance plans. Cardinal Cupich also discusses the important role immigrants play in our society, in light of President Donald Trump's recent executive orders on immigration enforcement. Then, state Rep. David Harris, R-Mount Prospect, talks about the Earned Income Tax Credit and its help for the working poor, as he seeks to fine-tune the program with House Bill 630. Finally, state Rep. Jerry Costello II, D-Red Bud, discusses his efforts to recognize God in everyday life by allowing residents to purchase "In God We Trust" decals for their license plates with House Bill 2884. Proceeds from the stickers would go to veterans' programs.