Jennifer Daniels, USCCB associate director for public policy, outlines for Bob what type of financial aid is available to Catholic schools in the recent stimulus package passed by Congress. Then, Justin Lombardo, chief human resources and staff development officer for the Archdiocese of Chicago, talks about the documented success of Archdiocesan schools with in-person learning during the pandemic as outlined in a study published in an academic journal by the head of Chicago’s Department of Public Health. The study was used to bolster the decision of Chicago Public Schools to recently reopen schools for in-person learning for some students. Finally, Abe Scarr, state director for Illinois PIRG, discusses passage of the Predatory Loan Prevention Act included in Senate Bill 1792. The measure is part of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus’ agenda on economic equity that passed during the recent lame-duck session. The initiative caps interest rates charged in payday and car title loans at 36%, which currently reach 297% and 179%, respectively. The Catholic Conference supports the Predatory Loan Prevention Act.