Daniel Blomberg of the D.C.-based Becket Fund for Religious Liberty joins Bob to talk about the U.S. Supreme Court agreeing to hear in March the case by the Little Sisters of the Poor and other faith-based nonprofits regarding their objection to the HHS mandate. Mike Clark, a high school sports writer for the Chicago Tribune, then talks about how Chicago-area Catholic high schools have fared during the fall 2015 football season. Maria Fitzsimmons of the Archdiocese’s Office for Peace & Justice discusses the Catholic Campaign of Human Development (CCHD) and its upcoming collection on the weekend of Nov. 21-22. Grant Gallicho, new director of publications and media for the Archdiocese of Chicago, joins Bob to talk about the recent Synod on the Family in Rome. Gallicho just finished a long stint as associate editor of Commonweal, and covered the Synod, as well as Pope Francis’s visit to the United States.