Dr. Richard Mantoan, a dentist who owns his own practice in Flossmoor, discusses the complaint he filed against the Reproductive Health Act with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights. Mantoan, who is being represented by The Thomas More Society, does not want to provide health insurance that includes abortion to his employees, which is required by the RHA. Next, Jackie Ingram and Janice Oda Gray, parishioners at St. Agatha’s parish on Chicago’s west side, talk about their efforts to bring mental health services to the community in the form of the recently-opened Encompassing Center. Residents of four west side neighborhoods voted to increase their property taxes to fund the new center. Then, Kayla Jacobs, director of programs for the new Laudato Si’ Ministries of the Joliet diocese, talks about what prompted the creation of the new ministry. Finally, Bonnie Engstrom, a resident of the Peoria diocese, wrote “61 Minutes to a Miracle” to document the experience of her newborn son surviving over an hour without a heartbeat or breathing. Bonnie, family and friends prayed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen for her son’s healing, and he is now a normal 9-year-old. The miracle of his healing was approved by the Vatican this summer, and Sheen is expected to be beatified soon.