
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

This update was posted at 5.22.24 at 1:47 p.m. CST

HB 581 Amendment 2 – Abortion Emergency Stabilizing Treatment (OPPOSE)

House Bill 581 defines abortion as a “stabilizing treatment” for hospital emergency services if a pregnant patient has an “injury or acute medical condition where the same is liable to cause death or severe injury or serious illness.” Such medical emergencies include ectopic pregnancies, complications of pregnancy loss, risks to future fertility, previable preterm premature rupture of membranes, or emergent hypertensive disorders, such as preeclampsia. Penalties of at least $50,000 can be issued against hospitals or physicians that refuse such treatment options due to personal or institutional right of conscience.

To read our written statement of opposition, click HERE.

HB 3158 – Human Composting (OPPOSE)

House Bill 3158 creates the Natural Organic Reduction Regulation Act, which permits and regulates natural organic reduction of human remains and licenses natural organic reduction facilities.  Provides for reporting; investigations; penalties and more.  

To learn more about why CCI opposes this legislation, read our fact sheet HERE.

HB 4867 – Reproductive Health Decisions – Human Rights Act (OPPOSE)

House Bill 4867 adds “reproductive health decisions” to the Illinois Human Rights Act, making employers, public accommodations, and other entities subject to potential civil rights violations. Discrimination claims could be made relating to a wide range of reproductive health decisions, from abortion to in vitro fertilization (“IVF”), including hostile work environment claims arising from employers’ statements and actions expressing opposition to such measures within the workplace.

To read our written statement of opposition, click HERE.

HB 5142 – Pregnancy/Postpartum Coverage – Doulas and Midwives (OPPOSE)

House Bill 5142 expands insurance coverage for pregnancy and postpartum services rendered by perinatal doulas or licensed certified professional midwives, lactation consultant visits, breast pump supplies, breastfeeding supplies, and feeding aids for at least one year after birth. Regretfully, support during abortion is also included in this insurance coverage.    

To review our written testimony on HB5142, click HERE.

HB 5282 – Insurance Coverage – Miscarriage and Stillbirth (SUPPORT)

House Bill 5282 expands insurance coverage to include those services to women who experience stillbirth and miscarriage that are to be provided to all covered pregnant or postpartum individuals with a diagnosis of a mental, emotional, nervous, or substance use disorder or condition.

HB 5643 – Pregnancy Tests – Insurance Coverage (SUPPORT)

House Bill 5643 provides that insurance policies of accident and health insurance or a managed care plan that are amended, delivered, issued, or renewed on or after January 1, 2026, as well as coverage under the Illinois medical assistance program, shall provide coverage for 2 at-home, urine-based pregnancy tests that are prescribed to the covered person per month, regardless of whether the tests are otherwise available over-the-counter. 

HB 4816 / SB 3470 – Pretrial Success Act (SUPPORT)

Under this Act, funding will be made available to community organizations to provide voluntary mental health and substance abuse treatment services to those who have been released from jail and are waiting to have their cases heard in court. These services will provide the support they need to help address some of the issues that may have contributed to their becoming involved in the criminal justice system and guide them on a path to success both prior to and after their trials. In addition, transportation and child care will be available to help in their ability to attend their court appearances.

While these bills are not currently moving in the legislature, we are hopeful that the funding of $15 million needed for these services will be included in the state’s FY 2025 budget.

SB 3182 – Birth Certificate- Stillbirth (SUPPORT)

Senate Bill 3182 permits the State Registrar of Vital Records to prepare and issue a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth upon request from the parents. 

SB 3499 – Assisted Suicide (OPPOSE)

Senate Bill 3499 remains in the Subcommittee for End of Life Options. We will continue to monitor this bill and will continue our opposition into the fall.

Scholarship Tax Credit Program

CCI continues to work on extending and expanding the Scholarship Tax Credit Program.