Bishops’ Statements on Current Issues
Illinois’ six diocesan bishops occasionally make statements on current issues important to the Church, either as a group or as individuals. When the statement is issued as a group, it reflects the view of the Church statewide. Individual bishops may choose to make a statement on issues of specific interest to their dioceses.
Illinois bishops issue letters to parishioners on HHS rule
Bishops across the nation have written letters to parishioners on the federal Department of Health and Human Services regulation mandating the coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraceptives.
This unfair mandate violates conscience rights and completely disregards religious protections under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
Our Illinois bishops, including Cardinal George of Chicago, have issued letters to parishes throughout their dioceses to be read at Mass or inserted into bulletins. Read the bishops' letters by clicking here.
Illinois bishops release statement on National Migration Week
The bishops of Illinois today released a statement on National Migration Week, beginning Jan. 8.
Like the Magi following the star to the hope, love and freedom embodied in the Holy Child, many immigrant families are on a similar journey as they seek hope in a new country.
During the next six months, each diocese in Illinois will share stories of immigrant families in their parishes and communities. These stories will be published in diocesan newspapers, bulletin inserts and on our website.
Illinois bishops write Gov. Pat Quinn, asking for meeting
Illinois' diocesan and auxiliary bishops this week sent a letter to Gov. Pat Quinn, asking for a meeting to discuss the governor's stance on pro-life issues, civil unions and religious freedom.
Quinn made the letter public to the media after he received it.