The Catholic Conference of Illinois produces occasional videos on public policy issues important to the Church. Our YouTube channel can be found at
We also post videos of Catholic interest.
CCI's Robert Gilligan speaks about temporary licenses for immigrants
Illinois bishops have pledged to support an expansion of Temporary Visitor Driver’s Licenses (TVDL) to undocumented immigrants living in the state. TVDLs can only be used for driving, and not for identification.
Catholic Conference of Illinois Executive Director Robert Gilligan speaks at a press conference in support of TVDLs.
Immigrant holds to her Catholic faith under threat of deportation
This CCI-produced video tells the story of "Susan," an undocumented immigrant living in central Illinois. Susan shares the importance of her Catholic faith as she and her family face her possible deportation to Mexico. You may also read "Susan's" story in this bulletin insert.
Pope Benedict Appoints Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, as Cardinal
Pope Benedict appoints Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York, as cardinal. A piece by the New York Post.
Cardinal George records video on religious freedom
Cardinal George of Chicago shares his views on the importance of religious freedom in the face of the mandate handed down by the federal Department of Health and Human Services.
The unjust mandate requires all employers — including religiously affiliated organizations — to offer insurance coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilizations, in a clear violation of the First Amendment.
Watch and listen to Cardinal George on this important issue.
Comments on the HHS Mandate
Read more information on the HHS mandate at these websites:
CCI-produced video highlights need for immigration reform
A march through downtown Chicago depicting Mary and Joseph as immigrants seeking shelter turns the spotlight on the need for comprehensive immigration reform, as we celebrate National Migration Week beginning Jan. 8.
CCI, ICHA produce “Fortnight for Freedom” radio spot
Catholic Conference of Illinois and the Illinois Health Care Association produced a 30-second radio spot to play statewide during the "Fortnight for Freedom" set for June 21 – July 4.
Actor Mark Wahlberg talks about his Catholic faith
Actor Mark Wahlberg discusses the importance of his faith during an interview with television talk show host Piers Morgan. It's an inspiring piece.