U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decision Involving EMTALA

U.S. Supreme Court Issues Decision Involving EMTALA

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision involving the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). CCI joins with USCCB in affirming emergency medical care for women and their preborn children. The full statement can be found HERE.

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Legislative Updates

Legislative Updates

This update was posted at 5.22.24 at 1:47 p.m. CST HB 581 Amendment 2 - Abortion Emergency Stabilizing Treatment (OPPOSE) House Bill 581 defines abortion as a “stabilizing treatment” for hospital emergency services if a pregnant patient has an “injury or acute medical...

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Current Status of the Invest in Kids Act

Current Status of the Invest in Kids Act

CCI released a joint statement alongside Empower Illinois, Big Shoulders Fund and Agudath Israel about where the Invest in Kids Act currently stands. A pdf can be found HERE and the full text is also below.
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Spring 2023 End of Session Report

Spring 2023 End of Session Report

The Illinois General Assembly has adjourned its regular session for 2023. The following is our End of Session Report. Note:  As of the date of this report (June 7, 2023), the legislation indicated as “Passed both chambers” have not yet been signed by the Governor and...

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