Catholic superintendents issue statement on Common Core

Catholic superintendents issue statement on Common Core

The superintendents of Catholic schools in the six dioceses of the state today issued a statement regarding Common Core State Standards in an effort to clarify that the standards are a set of educational goals students should seek to attain – they are not a...

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CCI Radio Hour: July 15, 2013

CCI Radio Hour: July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013 show Fr. John Belmonte, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Joliet, joins Bob to talk about the We Parent More app he created for parents to connect with their parish and school. This free app was unveiled during last month's Catholic Press...

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U.S. bishops: HHS final rules still inadequate

U.S. bishops: HHS final rules still inadequate

 The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops today said the final rules on the federal Department of Health and Human Services mandate requiring coverage of abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilizations still fall short in protecting...

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2013 legislative session consumed by marriage battle

2013 legislative session consumed by marriage battle

The 2013 spring session of the Illinois legislature can be marked by what didn’t happen – redefinition of marriage. After an unsuccessful push to redefine marriage during the lame-duck session in January, Senate lawmakers in February passed Senate Bill 10,...

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“Fortnight for Freedom” begins Friday

“Fortnight for Freedom” begins Friday

A nationwide "Fortnight for Freedom" will begin Friday, as U.S. bishops call for a period of prayer and fasting to raise awareness of challenges to religious liberty. The two week period beginning June 21 and running through July 4 echoes an observance held...

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CCI Radio Hour: June 17, 2013

CCI Radio Hour: June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013 show Kim Daniels, spokeswoman for the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, talks about the upcoming “Fortnight for Freedom” set to run from June 21-July 4. Jim Geoly of Burke, Warren, MacKay and Serritella speaks about the...

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