Cardinal George, African-American pastors oppose redefinition of marriage: Statements

Cardinal George is his role as chairman of the Catholic Conference of Illinois today held a press conference with members of the newly formed African-American Clergy Coalition to express opposition to redefinition of marriage legislation (Senate Bill 10) currently before the Illinois legislature. This video shows the opening statements of Cardinal George and each of the seven pastors.
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USCCB: Revised HHS mandate violates religious freedom

USCCB: Revised HHS mandate violates religious freedom

  Lawyers representing the U.S. bishops today issued comments on the revised Health and Human Services mandate proposed on Feb. 1, saying the revisions still are "an unprecedented . . . violation of religious liberty by the federal government."...

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CCI Radio Hour: March 18, 2013

CCI Radio Hour: March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013 show Bob first talks with Bishop Larry Trotter of the Sweet Holy Spirit Church of Chicago who is also heading up a coalition of African-American clergy in the Chicagoland area opposing redefinition of marriage efforts in the Illinois...

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CCI backs juvenile justice reforms

CCI backs juvenile justice reforms

The Catholic Conference of Illinois is supporting several juvenile justice reform initiatives, including legislation calling for the elimination of mandatory life imprisonment without the parole. House Bill 1348 and Senate Bill 1858 would eliminate mandatory sentences...

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Education Newsletter February 2013

Four school choice bills have been introduced in the new legislative session -- two in the House and two in the Senate. Although CCI supports all of these measures, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Learn more about these initiatives, as well as other state...

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CCI Radio Hour: Feb. 25, 2013

CCI Radio Hour: Feb. 25, 2013

 Feb. 25, 2013 show It's another Marriage Monday, as the Illinois House Executive Committee is expected to take up and approve redefinition of marriage legislation tomorrow. Bob talks first to the Rev. Eugene Rivers of Boston, who rose to national prominence...

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