Illinois bishops offer guidance on voting

As part of the Catholic Church, we can't tell you who to vote for. But we can offer some points for you to ponder before heading to the polling place. Our six diocesan bishops have written a series of four bulletin inserts set to appear in parishes statewide...

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Cardinal George records video on religious freedom

Cardinal George of Chicago shares his views on the importance of religious freedom in the face of the mandate handed down by the federal Department of Health and Human Services. The unjust mandate requires all employers -- including religiously affiliated...

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CCI Radio Hour Aug. 27, 2012

CCI Radio Hour Aug. 27, 2012

Aug. 27, 2012 show Fr. Larry Dowling of Priests for Justice for Immigrants joins host Bob Gilligan to discuss the deferred action program proposed by the federal government for young, undocumented immigrants. On the first day that applications were accepted for the...

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Peoria diocese joins legal battle against HHS mandate

Peoria diocese joins legal battle against HHS mandate

The Diocese of Peoria today filed a lawsuit against the federal government and its controversial mandate restricting religious freedom by requiring employers to cover insurance costs of abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilization. In taking action,...

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CCI Radio Hour July 16, 2012

CCI Radio Hour July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012 show Bob talks with CCI's own Marilou Gervacio and Fr. Chris Reuter of the Belleville Diocese about CCI's statewide Prison and Jail Ministry. Karen Lucas of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network then joins Bob to talk about the U.S. Supreme...

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Catholic leaders write op-ed for Fortnight for Freedom

Leaders of Catholic hospitals, universities, child-welfare programs and Catholic charities across the state have signed the following op-ed that highlights the mission of the Church in everyday life. The op-ed is being sent to newspapers statewide during the...

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