Use your phone to get religious freedom updates

Use your phone to get religious freedom updates

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops today launched a text-messaging campaign allowing individuals to join a nationwide effort to protect religious freedom. Supporters can simply text the word Freedom to 377377 -- or in Spanish, the word Libertad -- to...

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CCI Radio Hour June 18, 2012

CCI Radio Hour June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012 show Bob talks with Tom Howard from the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office of Peace and Justice about the Fortnight for Freedom, set for June 21-July 4. Lindsey Artola of the government affairs team for Presence Health (the merged health system of...

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I-CAN sign-up campaign begins

You go to Mass on Sunday. You go on retreats to deepen your faith. What else can you do for your Church? Get educated on issues at the state and federal levels that affect the Church and her mission. Join the Illinois Catholic Advocacy Network (I-CAN)! Click here to...

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Fortnight for Freedom activities taking shape statewide

Fortnight for Freedom activities taking shape statewide

The "Fortnight for Freedom" called for by the U.S. bishops is only two weeks away. Dioceses and Catholic organizations and institutions nationwide are gearing up for special Masses, novenas, and prayer vigils to mark this special time to reflect, ponder and...

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Medicaid reform highlights 2012 legislative session

Medicaid reform highlights 2012 legislative session

Medicaid reform cuts of at least $1.4 billion went down as the primary accomplishment of the 2012 legislative session, while lawmakers put off any type of substantial pension reform that would whittle away at the state's $83 billion unfunded liability. "Optional"...

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CCI Radio Hour May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012 show Deacon Richard Hudzik of Chicago talks with Bob about President Barack Obama's recent statement of support for same-sex marriage -- the deacon is a member of CCI's Defense of Marriage department. Bob then speaks about Cardinal George's...

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Cardinal George explains threats under the HHS mandate

Cardinal George explains threats under the HHS mandate

Cardinal George of Chicago wrote two must-reads this week about the threats to Catholic identity and conscience rights under the HHS mandate. In an open letter to all Catholics of the Archdiocese, he gives examples of how Catholic universities, schools, hospitals,...

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