CCI Statement on Dobbs Decision
We are pleased with the United States Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that has overturned the landmark abortion case of Roe vs. Wade. Throughout its history, the Catholic Church has consistently opposed legislation and other...
Catholic Conference of Illinois Statement on Repealing of Parental Notice of Abortion Act
As of today, the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act has been repealed. Parents no longer have the right to know if their minor daughter is seeking an abortion or suffering from any of the physical or mental health issues that may be associated with such a...
2022 Spring Legislative Summary
STATE BUDGETFlush with federal assistance and higher than expected tax collections (fueled by high inflation), the state budget for fiscal year 2023 will come in around $47 billion, featuring an 8% increase for state operations, temporary tax cuts and debt payments....
Care for Creation in Illinois
Contact your legislator about Care for Creation here. Last year, Illinois passed legislation – the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act – to lead the state to decarbonization and greater use of clean energy, with an aim to be at 100 percent renewable energy by 2050. While...
HB 4126 – Improvements to the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program
Please call your Illinois State House Representatives to express support for House Bill 4126. The legislation improves the Invest in Kids Scholarship Program. The Invest in Kids Scholarship Program was enacted in 2017 to help children from middle to low income...
Amendment to Health Care Right of Conscience Act Passes IL General Assembly
CCI Statement on the Repeal of Parental Notice of Abortion Act
CATHOLIC CONFERENCE OF ILLINOIS DENOUNCES PARENTAL NOTICE OF ABORTION REPEAL On behalf of the Illinois' bishops and our entire Catholic community, the Catholic Conference of Illinois denounces the Illinois General Assembly's vote to repeal the Parental Notice of...
CCI Statement in Opposition to Amending the Health Care Right of Conscience Act
CCI opposes amendments to the Health Care Right of Conscience Act
Save the Parental Notice of Abortion Law!
UPDATE: October 26, 2021 The Illinois General Assembly is going to vote this week on an attempt to repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Please contact your legislator and ask them to oppose House Bill 370 Senate Amendment 1. It's back. For the past three years,...